Living Spring Church Brief History
Evangelical Living Spring Church was established in July 2004. At that time, brothers and sisters from Living Stone Church (the mother church) started their first worship service at Sherwood Ridge Public School in Kellyville under the leadership of the pastor. Then in mid-2006, it moved to Crestwood High School in Crestwood. In early 2012, it moved back to William Clarke College in Kellyville to continue the operation of the church and actively expand the gospel work in the area. Currently, "Living Spring Church" has Mandarin and Cantonese worship services, as well as children's Sunday schools, youth Bible study classes and different fellowship groups. It is suitable for anyone. Brothers and sisters, catechumens, or those who are interested in the faith are welcome to join together.
Our beliefs
According to the Bible, the Association adheres to the following seven basic beliefs:
1. Believing in God is the only true God who exists and exists forever, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are three in one, the creator of all things, and the sovereign who controls the universe.
2. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, incarnate, with the full nature of God and man, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, shed blood on the cross, atonement for man, freeing man from the penalty and power of sin, three He will be raised from the dead in the future, ascended to heaven, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father, serving as mediator and high priest, interceding for the saints, and head of the church.
3. Believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who descended on Pentecost to glorify Christ, convict sinners, repent, be regenerated, and dwell and work in the hearts of believers, through which they may be victorious and sanctified, and united in Christ. One body, become the church.
4. Believers are created in the image of God. They lose their spiritual life because they disobey God. Since their ancestors sinned, the world has become sinners. They are under the wrath of God. Sins can only enter the kingdom of God by being regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
5. Believe that the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God, are the words of God, are absolutely authentic, are the living way of life, and are the highest standards of belief and behaviour.
. Believe that everyone in the world will be resurrected after death. Those who believe in the Lord will be resurrected to life and enjoy eternal blessings in heaven. Those who do not believe will be resurrected and condemned, and they will go to hell and die in the lake of fire forever. Heaven and hell are forever.
7. Believing that the devil is an evil spirit that works in the hearts of disobedient people is the root of all evil. will be punished forever.
Our Staff
Mandarin Pastor: Angus Mo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 0410 818 399 |
Cantonese Pastor: Anthony Tang Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mobile 0413 286 355 |
Church Contact
Sunday Worship:
William Clarke College1 Morris Grove, Kellyville NSW 2155

Pastor Anthony Tang (Cantonese Service)Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: 0413 286 355
Pastor Angus Mo (Mandarin Service)
mobile: 0410 818 399
14 Castle Hill Road, West Pennant Hills, NSW 2125